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Ongoing marketing mentorship and coaching package

Like having your own in-house marketing consultant - just there where you really need me. Four hours of one-to-one support, to be used...

The marketing MOT: Audit, review and generate ideas

An MOT for your marketing - what’s working well, what could be improved and what can you do next? Those of you who’ve been on any of my...

One-to-one support and coaching

I give one-to-one support and coaching with: Building an authentic personal brand Marketing strategy, including setting objectives,...

Firsthand: The joys of Twitter by Maggy Pigott

Firsthand experiences of creative people marketing their work - because we learn more through sharing and collaboration. I’m opening up...

The role of fear in book marketing

Last year, my friend and I decided to start a YouTube programme interviewing writers about their passions - the books, TV and films that...

The impossibility of summing up 2021

I’ve been meaning to write a 2021 round-up and reflections post for a few weeks now, but keep putting it off. This isn’t just...

Getting Carried Away on YouTube

I have long extolled the untapped potential of YouTube for writers. This is a platform that only a few authors use well and I believe...

Marketing for writers - the fundamentals

Anna Caig offers an online course for you to work through at your own pace, Marketing for writers - the fundamentals. The course contains...

2020: My strange journey

I was scared to resign from my Head of Comms job; scared when COVID-19 meant I couldn’t train people in person; scared that my own...

Helpful writing tips from Beverley Ward

Beverley Ward is a writer, facilitator and coach, with twenty years experience of supporting fellow writers on their journeys to becoming...

Blog: Blog2
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