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The marketing MOT: Audit, review and generate ideas

An MOT for your marketing - what’s working well, what could be improved and what can you do next?

Those of you who’ve been on any of my courses or had one-to-one support with me will know how keen I am on listening to your audiences, and learning about what they like and want.

Well, I have practised what I preach and listened to the wonderful creative people I work with about what will be genuinely useful. Several of you have told me you’d like a kind of MOT for your marketing and promotion, an audit of what’s working and what can be improved - then some practical ideas and advice for activity to improve or complement what you’re already doing.

How it works

  • You send me your current marketing and promotion to review: your website, mailing list information and recent emails, your social media platforms, copies of any collateral, your ‘pitch’... anything that you currently use to market and promote your work (and please don’t worry if you don’t have most of these already, these are just examples)

  • I produce a one-page review document of tailored advice for you

  • We schedule an hour’s one-to-one session where we talk through my advice and, if you’d like, generate further ideas together for promotional activity that will improve or complement what you’re already doing.

Who is the marketing MOT for?

The marketing MOT is aimed at writers and other creative people who are already doing at least some marketing and promotion of their work. I love to help people who are just starting out too but, if this applies to you, you'd probably be better off booking standard one-to-one sessions.

What if I need more help to make it all happen?

If you’d like to go on and book one-to-one support following your marketing MOT, you’ll be able to do so with a 10% discount. But there will never be any pressure from me to do this. The MOT works as an effective stand-alone way to boost your marketing and promotion with professional advice and plenty of fresh ideas.

How much does it cost?

The cost of your marketing MOT: audit, review and ideas generator package is £200.

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