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The impossibility of summing up 2021

I’ve been meaning to write a 2021 round-up and reflections post for a few weeks now, but keep putting it off. This isn’t just procrastination - my feelings about this past year are far from clear and I’m struggling to coherently sum them up.

I don’t think any of us thought we’d be here at Christmas 2021, I certainly didn’t. I hoped the fear and uncertainty caused by Covid would be, if not quite a distant memory, then at least a thing of the past. But here we are. My daughter has Covid and has been isolating from us in her bedroom - including on her sixteenth birthday, which was brutal. And there’s increased doubt over whether in-person events will be possible in the coming months, something I’ve been looking forward to exploring.

There’s also still no news on my book and how it’s being received by publishers - so that’s another giant unknown. I must say thank you for all the advice you emailed to me on how to manage our mental health during the limbo of submissions - there were some real words of wisdom in there.

One thing I am sure of, though, is how grateful I am that my business continues to thrive. Whether we’ve worked together one-to-one, you’ve come along to a webinar or just read these emails, I’m sending you a heartfelt thank you. I feel fortunate to have worked with so many talented and lovely people - and with so much still up in the air in the world, it’s both reassuring and exciting to know that the business seems to be on a sound footing and the training and coaching I deliver is proving useful and enjoyable.

So, while I might be well into 2022 before I understand how I feel about 2021, there’s no doubt that I’m grateful to you. I wish you a festive season that’s as peaceful and enjoyable as it can be. I think it'll be a relatively quiet one for me - I've just started a book of Christmas ghost stories and I'm looking forward to reading these by the fire, watching cheesy Netflix and Channel 5 Christmas films, and being able to hug my daughter again.

Take good care of yourself.

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